Environmental, Health & Safety Policy
We, Global Business Bureau Certification LLC take pride and honor in declaring the company’s commitment to satisfy our customers by providing a high quality Services that, as a minimum, conforms to requirements of customers in all areas of GBBC, to achieve customer satisfaction as well as to protect environment and maintain the best possible working conditions for our staff.
In order to achieve and maintain this, GBBC commits to:
- Providing a healthy and safe working environment which will protect the safety, health and wellbeing of our staff, workers and all other interested parties, Considering the related risks & opportunities of EHS management systems in all of GBBC Activities.
- Involving of GBBC staff in EHS management system processes and decision making.
- Comply with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015 and continually improve their efficiency and effectiveness.
- Protect our environment by effectively utilizing our resources and reducing
- Establish, implement and continually measure the achievement of our approved environmental and safety objectives & targets as well as our stated policy.
- To comply with all statutory & regulatory requirements regarding to environment, health and safety applicable which subscribes to GBBC scope of work.
This policy will be revised yearly for continual adequacy with the General Policy of GBBC and communicated to all workers & interested parties.